My Top Ten

Friday, May 22, 2015

Mosquito Nets 101

We are about to go into rainy season here in Nicaragua, and that means a large increase in mosquitoes. Not only are they extremely annoyingly noisy at night flying right near your head while you're trying to sleep, they also carry disease. Boo. So we got the kids mosquito nets to protect them while they sleep. Hanging up the mosquito nets was feat of it's own because we didn't want to pull the ceiling down on one of our children. Ewww. I am pretty sure I can imagine what's living in the ceiling space.... So Garrett used his brilliant mind, and hung up a taught & sturdy wire horizontally from wall to wall over their bed. So now the mosquito net can slide along on the wire, which is pretty cool. But even better, no one will wake up covered in ceiling debris. The first night that we used the nets, I failed to do one very important thing. Here is where "Mosquito Nets 101" comes in, so read carefully. After you have hung the net properly and BEFORE you put your child to sleep for 10 hours inside the little cocoon of [what you believe to be] protection, check to make sure there aren't any mosquitoes INSIDE the mosquito net. That's right. Eden slept all night with a trapped mosquito. 

Alicia 0 
Nica Mosquito 1 

Lesson Learned.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

border crossings & beaches

We just experienced our first border crossing. At the 6 month mark, Nicaraguan law requires foreigners to exit Nicaragua. We walked over the border to Costa Rica. (We are still working on all the paper work involved in getting our truck registered in Garrett's name, and we can't take it out of Nica until that paperwork comes through). It was too hot and super stressful, but now we've done it and gained another notch of life experience on the ole' life belt. The kids were great, as usual. They have no idea how awesome they are.

 Garrett got stung by this scorpion while he was asleep in bed in our hotel room at 4:00 a.m. Sad face :-(  He is okay now. We treated the sting with prayer, essential oils, and drinking coffee (locals swear by this).

Which led to us walking the beach at sunrise, and finding these beautiful pink sea shells. Because seriously who could go back to sleep after that?!?

Bodhi had a great time frolicking in the ocean and looking for hermit crabs.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Our Family Photos

Sharing a few photos from a photo shoot we had this summer while in America..... Enjoy.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

On becoming a Pioneer Missionary family....

I have been absent in writing anything on my blog for some time, but recently have been reminded of the importance of documenting this process of my life. And when I refer to "this" process, I mean the process of becoming a pioneer missionary in a third world country. I have an inkling it might help other families who want to tackle the ambiguous world of missions work in a foreign culture. However, in the end, I want to record it for myself. I want to record it so I can look back and remember the grace of God. For I can now say I truly understand what the apostle Paul meant when he wrote, "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret to being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength"
Philippians 4:12-13

Let me boil that verse down for you through my personal life experience; it is all about relationship. Genuine relationship with God the Father through his son, Jesus Christ. There are now only three categories in my life:
1) Things I can do, or even want to do
2) Things I don't want to do
3) Things I am afraid to do

There is no thing I cannot do. Why? Because I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. When I am afraid to do something, I am each time amazed at the grace of God which helps me accomplish what I need to accomplish. Much more efficiently than if I had tried on my own, in fact; I would fail on my own.

2014 has been a full year for our family; and we are only half way done. We have had so many opportunities to challenge ourselves, and our children have risen to the occasion and impressed me each step of the way. The strength and resolve of my husband has encouraged me. The grace of God has astounded me.

With that said, becoming a pioneer missionary family is not an easy road. And let me just blow the Pixie Dust off your idea of pioneer missions work right now. Cause it ain't there but 10% of the time. The other 90% of the time is hard work.

My husband and I have forever had a "calling" (common Christian-ese) to do missions work. In other words, we felt we were created for something more. As in: more than living for ourselves, working a
9-5and saving up to take vacations at Disney Land. I think many people in my generation are in this same boat; which is why the men, women and families of my generation are happy to pay a little more for products that support organizations which pay it forward like TOMS. Or who are willing to sacrifice their finances to give generously to organizations improving the impoverished lives of others through efforts like Portal, or supporting missionary families just like us. This list of Good Samaritan works literally goes on and on, and I believe there is a paradigm shift of awareness within our culture to reach beyond ourselves and help those around us. It doesn't always have to be exotic and on foreign soil, sometimes it's your neighbor across the street or your child's 3rd grade teacher. But for my family, it is third world.

When my husband and I were toiling over the decision to move our family into a third world culture, our Pastor told us something very encouraging. He said, "God will not call you and your husband, and then exclude your children from that calling". Duh. Sounds basic. But it really made the light bulb come on for both my husband and myself. My biggest concern and fear was my children. It was a process to surrender them to Christ. It sounds quaint and noble, but it is very hard to put that into action. Action meant moving them to a country that I wouldn't, under normal circumstances, even choose to take a family-style trip to for one week. It meant combating each fear and "what if" scenario which is utterly exhausting for a mother UNTIL ..... I started "taking all my thoughts captive and making them obedient to Christ".
2 Corinthians 10:5

Which leads me to Point One: It is essential that you are certain of your calling. That you are 100% sure of your decision. Because when the "what ifs" turn into a reality, the only thing you have is God. The only way that you will make it is by God's grace. Let me clarify, I don't want to paint some horrible picture of missions. I want to paint an accurate one. I don't mean that all missionaries are in a constant state of danger and lack of basic necessities. God's grace is sufficient; meaning enough or adequate (2 Cor 12:9).  This is the 90% of the time that I referred to earlier. When you see missionaries, or read their newsletters, you are getting the glamorous 10% of their lives, which only happens because of the grace of God getting them through the 90%.

Ready for Point Two:  It is not necessary to sacrifice yourself or your family in the name of missions, or ministry for that matter. That isn't serving, that's stupid. I am who I am. I am Alicia. God created me to love the things I love, to possess talents in specific areas. The reason I can do what God has called me to do is because of WHO I AM. He made me the way I am for a reason. It's ok to be yourself. It's ok to not fit inside the Christian ideology of what a missionary "should be". That is the religious mindset for the missions of yesterday. The missions of today operate in agape love which is only possible through genuine relationship with God.

Point two leads me directly into Point Three: Genuine relationship with God. It is imperative that you remain in constant communication with God via the Holy Spirit. Don't let religion or your pre-conceived notions or what other people think affect how you operate as a missionary. It only matters what God says. If He says it, then obey.  If He doesn't say it to you, then maybe it's not necessary, maybe it's an unnecessary external pressure. However; let me be clear that it is not enough to just obey and go on unaware. You must obey and then keep listening to ensure that you are ready to hear His voice again, to follow His direction for your family. A perfect biblical example of this is the classic story of Abraham and Isaac. In Genesis 22:2, the Bible says God told Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac. Then in verse 12, when Isaac is on the altar and Abraham has reached for his knife, Abraham hears from heaven "Do not lay a hand on the boy. Do not do anything to him". What if Abraham hadn't been listening? What if he had obeyed God's first instruction but not been in communication with God to hear God's second instruction?

I hope this information helps families who are contemplating pioneer missions make an informed decision. Obviously, it's just one woman's view but I am WHO I AM. Amen?!

We appreciate your prayers. 
They get us through the 90%, and I mean it. 
Thank you for praying.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Bodhi's 6th Birthday

Ice cream Sundae with Grams

Frozen movie in theatre

Long awaited Iron Man action figure

 Balloon trick - Thanks cousin Dan 

Birthday party at the Old Train Depot where my Grandpa actually worked for many years!

Enjoying the snow

Puzzle fun

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


He said he was going camping

She's a natural folks.




cowabunga dude




Our friend Willie the Rooster

Bro & Sis

Silly faces

Saturday, January 11, 2014

in awe of the beauty of creation....

The heavens declare the glory of God; 
the sky above proclaims His handiwork

Psalm 19:1